Dr. Rachel Sophia Baard is an assistant professor of theology and ethics at Union Presbyterian Seminary.
Dr. Monika Hellwig was a Catholic theologian.
Sr. Dr. Nonna Verna Harrison was an Orthodox theologian specially in Patristics.
Primary Sources:
Acolatse, Esther E. Powers, Principalities and the Spirit: Biblical Realism in Africa and the West. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2018.
Baard, Rachel Sophia. Sexism and Sin-Talk: Feminist Conversations on the Human Condition. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2019.
Domning, Daryl P., and Monika K. Hellwig. Original Selfishness: Original Sin and Evil in the Light of Evolution. London: Routledge, 2006.
Farley, Wendy. Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy. Louisville: Westminister John Knox, 1990.
Fredriksen, Paula. Sin: The Early History of an Idea. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2012.
Harrison, Nonna Verna. God's Many-Splendored Image: Theological Anthropology for Christian Formation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2010.
Miller, Samantha L. Chrysostom's Devil: Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2020.
Behind the Scenes:
21 scholars and 109 sources have been added to Phase Two of
the Women and Theology Research Database Project. Phase Two will focus
on adding women biblical interpreters. It is on track to launch in early
2023. Stay tuned!
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